Monday, July 4, 2011

Learning of the triplets

After getting a positive pregnancy test after our recent artificial insemination on March 19th, Craig and I were off to Dr. Michael Thomas's office for our first ultrasound. I was feeling a little nervous because I had literally had no symptoms of pregnancy. I felt totally normal and was fearful that something was going wrong. Craig on the other hand woke up the morning of the ultrasound with his heart pounding as he thought about the possibilities... just how many babies would they find! In the ultrasound room, I rested calmly as Dr. Thomas began the scan. Suddenly a gasp come from one of the medical students in the room as she starred at the screen. Well, Dr. Thomas paused... there are three babies. Lets make sure there are no more hiding in there. Craig let out a laugh as tears of both joy and fear came to my eyes. THREE BABIES!!
Everyone looked great with strong heartbeats. One of the babies was a bit smaller than the rest which could have been a concern, but after seeing the babies for a second time a couple weeks later, all of our precious angels were measuring the same!
Craig and I went to Long Horn for lunch after that and sat in silence for most of the meal. It was the most overwhelming reality either of us had ever experienced. How our world is about to change! We picked up Addy at grandma Sharon's and Sharon just couldn't stand it another second. She just had to know. We initiallly showed her a picture of two of the babies and she was thrilled it was twins, but it wasn't until we showed her a picture of all three that I thought she was going to pass out! She clung to the countertop in disbelief! Charlie was then called and Craig told him the exciting news.

Since it was so close to Easter, we thought we'd tell my parents with a special Easter basket with three eggs labeled A,B, and C. They each had a picture of the babies attached. Before dinner we presented them with the basket and they were thrilled. What a blessing! Adalyn quickly learned how to respond 1,2,3 when asked how many babies are in mommies belly. Boy is she ever going to be in for a surprise when these babies arrive!
To tell the rest of the families, we had a special announcement on Easter. In the morning Craig went to his parents house (I got called into work) and had Grandma Rose opened an envelope that said "Jessie and Craig are expecting". Charlie then said, "wait a minute... opened an egg and read "it's twins." Sharon then opened her egg and announced it was actually triplets. Everyone was literally speechless!
  At my families, Dad had organized an adult egg hunt. When everyone sat down to open their eggs, some people had money, others had candy, and my cousin Annslee had the lucky egg announcing that we were expecting. Craig then threw an egg to Grandpa Jolly who announced there were 2 babies and everybody cheered. Craig then threw another egg to my Grandma Jolly who read the note on the inside of the egg reading "three eggs equals three babies!" We had so much fun and everyone was so excited.

  We feel so blessed to have big families to share this time with. We've had some much positive feedback and encouragement that it has made this one of the best times of our lives!

This is one of the babies first photos at 10.3 weeks. You can see all three in their individual amniotic sacs!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! I can't wait to read updates about everything going on with you guys and the triplets! You'll have to post some ultrasound pictures soon :)
