Sunday, June 10, 2012

1/2 a Year! Where does time go...

  My sweet little peanuts are really getting big. It really hits me when I see other people holding them  just how big they really are now. They have been so healthy with only an occasional ear infection and are loving the introduction of first foods this month. Bentley is especially interested and smacks his lips as I prepare the cereal and fruit. I'm still having to pry Bell and Bronson's mouths open with the spoon, but once they get the taste for it seem to enjoy it. They are all rolling around but not so much that they aren't able to be contained in a small area. I haven't lost track of them yet let's put it that way!                   

   The boys are jabbering about "da da" all the time and occasionally Bell lets out with a "ma". They seem to be very interested in what the others are doing and getting a little jealous when Addy is talking to one of them and not the other. Adalyn is a God-send and so helpful with her brothers and sister. My goal this month is to transition the babies from taking their naps in their swings to taking them in their beds... at the same time! Needless to say, I am getting my exercise running up and down the steps comforting and putting in paci's as they try and learn to fall asleep on their own. Addy was so upset with  me the other day when Bell started crying when I laid her down for her nap. I had to drag Addy downstairs as she cried, "But mom, I love Bell Bell so much...don't let her cry, don't let her cry!
   Life is just so fun. Everyday is so full with these four gifts and I am forever grateful for each of them. It's amazing watching them grow. I do believe I have the slobberiest (sp??) kids ever. I am changing bibs almost hourly as they almost refuse to swallow and just let the drool fall out of their mouths by the spoonful. No teeth yet but looking forward to some relief for them. They are generally such sweet and happy babies who are full of smiles for everyone. They just make my day!
   I did stop breastfeeding completely with their 6 mth birthday. Bronson of coarse had gone on strike months before and Bell weaned herself over a couple weeks to just one feeding a day. My little Bentley was hanging in there but started to favor the bottle after my long days at work. It's always emotional experiencing the last of anything for me. I definitely shed some tears as I realized that nursing was coming to an end.
   Work is going really well. I am so thankful that I only have to be there 2 days a week. It seems to be very managable. I could not be more thankful for my mom and mother in law as well as friends from church, sisters, ect who continue to watch my kids while I'm gone. There hasn't been a day that I had to worry about their care while I was away.
   As we celebrate their 6 month birthday, it is my prayer that they will continue to be healthy and happy and that time would slow down a little bit. I'm already grieving them growing up on me.
   We had the kids 6 month pictures taken by my dear friend Trisha Iles with From the Heart Photography. We had a ball. The babies were a little stingy with their smiles that day, but Trisha managed to catch some really cute ones despite the challenge. You should have seen myself, Trisha, my mom, and our friend Diane Miller. We were working our butts off doing a song and dance trying to get those kids to cooperate. It was a day I'll never forget!
Trisha Iles- photographer

Arabella's 6 mth weight: 15#9 (still in the lead)

Bronson finally outweighs his brother at 14#9

Bentley is the runt again at 14#8 (only an ounce less than his brother):)


  1. The precious-ness is just oozing out! Oh how sweetthey are!!!!

    Praise God for every one of these little miracles!

  2. Oh my gosh Jessie. Such beautiful babies. All 4 of them. We are such lucky moms. Hope to see you soon.
