Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Begins- 7 months

 As always I'm playing blog catch up. The summer has flown by. The kids are all doing great and are getting busier by the day. These pictures of June feel like they were taken a year ago. At this point they were rolling but not crawling and a lot easier to keep track of than they are these days! They tend to migrate towards each other when they are playing on the floor and LOVE for Addy to entertain them as she rolls around, runs throughout the living room and dances and sings to her favorite songs. She continues to be mommy's awesome helper and is having a great summer. Potty training started in June and carried on throughout the summer with lots of accidents and lots of pull ups. I never dreamed just how challenging it would be. Our days are full and most of the time a lot of fun! These are just random pics taken in the month of June when the babies were 7 mths old.

1 comment:

  1. So precious! I know you have one busy house!! :)
